COVID-19.. it’s all anyone is talking about. We sit on the edge of our seats (well, couches) and wait for our world to return to normal. This time off has been hard for my family and small business but, it’s also given me time with them that I wouldn’t have otherwise had. I’m so thankful for them now, more than ever. Most days, we are learning at home, playing in the yard with the dogs and chickens, and FaceTiming friends. Others, we worry about what comes next. I would be lying if I wasn’t worried about how my business will come out of this. While I’ve done my part to stay at home and flatten the curve, there are still photography businesses running when they shouldn’t be. I don’t normally concern myself with the workings of others, but I’ve seen my clients go to other photographers who will break the rules and shoot. Sure, people use different photographers all the time. I totally get that. What’s HEARTBREAKING is losing my clients to someone who is running despite the rules set in place for non-essential businesses.
But that isn’t even where the struggle ends.
Let’s be real, photography is a luxury. And there are MILLIONS of people without jobs. It’s not going to be the first priority for most people. Where does that leave me? I don’t know.
What I do know, is that things will not be the same and I will have to work harder than ever to stay afloat. I’ll have to build and maintain relationships with my clients that cannot be duplicated. I’ll have to be unique and set myself apart from others. And I’m ready to do just that! So, get your eyes ready for melt-worthy images because 2020 is not over yet and we will prevail!!
I hope your kids won’t be tired of forts because here is our next mini session! I’m so excited to be offering these at exclusive sunset times on a schedule that works best for you. Be on the lookout because this sweet little set will bring all of the giggles!
I love you guys and am so thankful for each and every one of you.
Stay home, stay safe! xoxo, Jess